How to Reduce Allergens and Improve the Indoor Air Quality of Your Home

Apr 19, 2024 | Plumbing | 0 comments

Do you find yourself constantly battling allergies or respiratory issues at home? If so, you’re likely wondering how to reduce allergens in your home. Poor indoor air quality could be the culprit. In this blog, we will explore common pollutants in our air at home and offer practical tips for promoting a healthier environment.

Many of us spend a lot of time indoors at home thinking that the only polluted air is outside. But we often overlook the potential hazards lurking in the very air we breathe inside. Our homes are often sealed environments, trapping pollutants like dust, mold spores, and harmful gases released from everyday products.

These pollutants can trigger allergy flare-ups, exacerbate asthma symptoms, and potentially contribute to other respiratory conditions or illnesses. Young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of poor indoor air quality.

But there’s good news!

By taking proactive steps to improve your indoor air quality and learning how to reduce allergens in your home, you can create a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

What is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within buildings and enclosed spaces where people live, work, or gather. It’s all about the concentrations and types of pollutants, allergens, and contaminants present in the indoor environment.

Poor IAQ can have significant impacts on human health, comfort, and well-being. While outdoor air pollution is often the focus, the air inside homes can be more seriously polluted.

This is because indoor spaces lack adequate ventilation and allow pollutants from various sources to accumulate and become trapped. A variety of aspects affect the IAQ levels in your home including temperature, humidity, pesticides, outdoor air pollution, building materials, cleaning products, and smoking.

Want to learn how to reduce allergens in your home and improve your IAQ? Check out your local HVAC company, Battavio Plumbing Heating and Cooling for more information on indoor air quality services.

Common Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Before you learn how to reduce allergens in your home, it’s important to understand the different sources that can contribute to indoor air pollution:

Outdoor Pollution

Outdoor pollutants like vehicle emissions, smoke, and pollen can infiltrate homes through windows, doors, and ventilation systems.

Inadequate Ventilation

Poor ventilation prevents the exchange of stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, allowing pollutants to build up.

Household Products

Cleaning supplies, personal care products, paints, and solvents release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that pollute indoor air. VOCs escape into the air whenever you use these products, or can even just store them.

Building Materials

Certain construction materials and furnishings can release chemicals over time, contributing to indoor air contamination.

Biological Contaminants

Mold, dust mites, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses thrive indoors and can trigger allergic reactions or illness.

Combustion Sources

Fireplaces, gas stoves, water heaters, and malfunctioning furnaces emit harmful gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases are very harmful to our bodies once inhaled.

Maintaining good indoor air quality is important for creating a safe, healthy, and comfortable indoor environment. Understanding the common sources of pollutants is a good first step to learn how to reduce allergens in your home. However, pinpointing the specific cause can be difficult.

Unsure where those pollutants are coming from? An HVAC and plumbing company near West Chester can pinpoint the source and recommend the best strategies to improve your IAQ and explain how you can reduce allergens in your home. Contact Battavio today for a free quote or call 610-692-7960 now.

Practical Tips to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

#1. Use an Air Purifier

High-efficiency air purifiers can capture airborne particles, allergens, and pollutants, providing cleaner air throughout your home. Look for models with HEPA filters, which can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. Air purifiers are especially beneficial for people with pets or simply looking to reduce allergens in their home.

Battavio Plumbing Heating and Cooling offers a range of high-quality air purifiers to suit your specific needs. Explore our selection and find the perfect solution to reduce allergens in your home!

#2. Turn on the Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers reduce indoor humidity levels, making it harder for dust mites, mold, and other moisture-loving allergens to thrive. Aim to maintain indoor humidity between 30-50%. Dehumidifiers are essential in damp basements, bathrooms, and other moisture-prone areas prone to mold growth.

#3. Turn on the Air Conditioner

Air conditioning systems can help filter out pollen, dust, and other outdoor allergens from entering your home. Be sure to change the filters regularly and consider upgrading to higher-efficiency filters.

Most importantly, a properly functioning AC system is key for optimal air quality. Any leaks, blockages, or defects can hinder its filtering ability or even circulate pollutants. Battavio’s team offers comprehensive air conditioning repair services to ensure your system works at its best to keep your air clean and comfortable.

#4. Create Pet-Free Zones

Designate certain rooms as pet-free areas to limit the spread of pet dander and hair throughout your home. Bedrooms are a logical choice for pet-free sanctuaries, especially for those with pet allergies. Use HEPA vacuum cleaners and air purifiers in pet areas.

#5. Open the Windows

Especially on dry, breezy days, opening windows can help flush out stale indoor air and introduce fresh outdoor air. Be mindful of high pollen counts or air quality advisories. Use window screens to keep out insects and larger airborne particles.

#6. Place Air-Purifying Plants

Certain houseplants act as natural air purifiers, absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. English ivy, peace lilies, snake plants, and Boston ferns are excellent choices to help reduce allergens in your home.

#7. Clean Your Home Regularly

Keeping your home clean is the easiest way to ensure a healthy indoor environment. Vacuum carpets and upholstery weekly using a HEPA filter vacuum. Dust surfaces with a microfiber cloth and clean hard floors regularly to reduce allergen buildup.

These practical steps can make a big difference, but for the best results and peace of mind, consider partnering with a trusted HVAC professional in your local area. Battavio offers thorough HVAC repair services in Chester County, PA, to assess and create a plan for improving air quality while also helping you learn how to reduce allergens in your home.

HVAC technicians from Battavio can efficiently reduce allergens in homes

Your #1 Choice for HVAC Installations in Chester County, PA

With Battavio Plumbing Heating and Cooling’s HVAC services available to residents and businesses in the area, you can rely on our expertise and advanced solutions to improve indoor air quality and create a more comfortable environment for you and your family. Breathe easier and enjoy improved air quality with the help of our HVAC specialists.

Our team of highly trained technicians can conduct comprehensive assessments of your home’s indoor air quality and identify the sources contributing to pollutants and allergens. Based on the findings, we’ll recommend tailored solutions to address your specific needs.

Our experts can also evaluate your HVAC system’s efficiency and recommend upgrades or replacements to improve air filtration and ventilation, which is essential to reduce allergens in the home.

We proudly service clients all over Chester County, PA. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how Battavio’s HVAC maintenance agreements can help keep your home hygienic and allergen-free.

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