#1 HVAC and Plumbing Company in Chester County 610-692-7960



A central heating system that sends hot water through to radiators and faucets, to provide heat and hot water.

Boiler Services

Battavio built its reputation on providing its clients with the areaโ€™s best boiler services in this community. We dedicated our time and professional energy toward building efficient and reliable boiler repair and installation services. Our experts can quickly and safely install energy-efficient, high-performance boilers ranging from a wide variety of brands, sizes and individual models. We service all makes and models, with the exception of oil-fired boilers.


Environmentally Friendly


Compatible with Small Spaces


Energy Efficient

Benefits of Boilers

Save Space

Most boilers are smaller than other home heating systems and appliances. You can even mount some boilers instead of placing them on the floor.

Save Money

Short term, the initial cost to install a boiler might be high, however long term, you will save a lot, as the money spent to operate a boiler is much less.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Compared to a conventional boiler, all high-efficiency boilers use less gas to produce heat, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Types of Boilers

Steam Boiler

Utilize pressure and gravity to deliver hot steam to radiators and reheat cooled condensation moved back into the boiler. Steam boilers must have a pressure relief valve and a low water cutoff. How it works:


    • The boiler is partially filled with water and then heated, thus turning into steam
    • Pressure in the system increases
    • Steam rises through the pipes into the radiators
    • As pressure increases, an air vent inside of the radiator will open
    • Once steam reached the vent, it will then close and the head of the radiator will radiate heat into the room
    • The steam will cool and condense into water, then flow back to the boiler to be reheated
Gas Boiler

Fueled by natural gas through a gas line running beneath a house via a pipeline from the road. Some rural locations will use propane gas from a large tank outside of the home. How it works:


    • A temperature gauge and a thermocouple are used to regulate and minimized fuel usage
    • A pilot light is kept lit by the gas, and warms heating coils inside of the boiler, which passes the heat to the water inside of the tank
Electric Boiler

Most popular because they are efficient and environmentally friendly as there are no exhaust fumes carrying away the heat. They do not require a main gas line or fuel supply, they are generally quieter and more space efficient. Additionally, installation costs are less expensive! However, some downsides to an electric boiler is no heat during a power outage, and monthly electric bills could be expensive.

Condensing Boiler

HVAC experts consider this type of boiler to be more energy-efficient than regular gas boilers. Unlike gas boilers, where gasses escape into the air through a small chimney (flue), Condensing boilers pass the gasses through a heat exchanger, which heats up any excess water while reducing energy expended by the boiler. How it works:


    • Natural gas is used to heat up water inside the system
    • An electric pump moves the heated water through pipes before heating a radiator
    • As water moves through the pipes it will lose its heat, which is when the cooled water goes back to the boiler again
    • The water then goes through a heat exchanger and starts the process again
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